2020, seriously amazing

Harpal Kochar
1 min readJan 5, 2021


For my personal progress 2020 has been the best! The pandemic withstanding, it created a new appreciation to celebrate life. It was initially hard to focus and not be overwhelmed. So controlling my fickle mind became my first big challenge. I found strength in music, meditation, and running. With that, I am now so much more in the zone, my steady-state grove.
I hit the reset button on my diet, for the first time ever, experimenting with high fiber vegan food. I also completed three marathons, of which two were during the pandemic which I ran solo. I managed a reset on my thinking too :). I caught so many negative thoughts in flight on the “why and what good will it do” before it impacted my ecosystem. I focused on quality sleeping, measuring each session’s quality with the Oura ring analysis.
I pivoted the goals of SalesKoch.com to empower teenagers with life skills, internships, college applications, etc and that’s taken off so well, love the social impact.
Now every meal I eat, every night I sleep, every day that I work to my goals they all feel in sync with future investment in the self.
Finally, I was aware but this year I truly witnessed “the secret” book philosophy played out in real-time. Thank you all for being part of my journey.



Harpal Kochar

Life is awesome! Love Salesforce? What’s your calling? Do you love your work? Can you do it pro-bono? Will you ever retire? Check out my blog www.SalesKoch.com